Page 6 - Seniors United Now
P. 6

“It’s Not Right!”

      n  Good questions you can ask older adults:
        n Do you feel safe?
        n  Is anyone in your life hurting you or making you feel
        n What do you want to do?  How can I help?

      n  Be supportive and listen. Remember that it may be
        difficult for them to talk at first. Let them know that
        you are available to listen whenever they want. Often
        what older adults need most is someone who will listen.
      n  Acknowledge that they are in a very difficult situation.
        Let your friend or family member know that whatever is
        happening is not their fault. Reassure them that they are
        not alone and that there is help and support available.
      n  Encourage them to talk to someone who can provide
        help and guidance.  Find a local organization that
        provides counseling or support groups (i.e. seniors’
        organization, family violence service, local health
        centres). Offer to go with them to talk to family and
        friends. If they have to go to the police, court or a
        lawyer, offer to go along for moral support.
      n  Remember that you cannot “rescue” them. Although
        it is difficult to see someone you care about being
        mistreated, that person has the right to decide about
        the next steps. It’s important for you to support and
        help the older adult find a way to safety and peace.
      n  If you are concerned that an older adult is not able
        to make informed decisions, do not try to make
        decisions for the person. Consult with a local health
        centre that serves seniors and ask how you can best
        be supportive.

      Other Suggestions
      n  Be patient. Listen carefully. Allow the older adults to
        tell their story in their own time. It may take many
        conversations before the whole story is told.
      n  Encourage them to be their own advocate and to find
        their own solution about what to do next. This can
        include a decision to get help from an abuse expert.
        People of any age are much more likely to take action if
        they make their own plan.
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